Well, it was a long weekend, and I didn't get much done. We went to the Pumpkin Carving Festival on Saturday. Freyja had fun, but it was really crowded this year and I didn't enjoy myself nearly as much as I did last year. We only stayed for about an hour. The kids decided they would carve their at Jen's house that evening.
Which brings me to the highlight of my weekend. Date night! This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but we haven't had a date night since we left Mississippi, and honestly, I'm pretty sure we took to baby with us on dates in Mississippi. So after four years we finally got out of the house without any kids! Thank you SOOOO much Jen! We didn't do anything exciting, just went to the Chinese buffet and did some shopping. But it was incredibly nice to get some alone time with Wes, even if we did talk about the kids most of the time. Granted it was usually something like "It's so nice to be able to sit down and enjoy our food without having to keep the kids in line" or "It's so nice to be able to go shopping with out some one asking for this or that." We got some good deals while we were shopping and picked up a couple of Yule presents for the kids. Yes, we bought other people gifts while we were out celebrating our anniversary! When we got back to town Freyja was asleep on Jen's Sofa and Ty was watching Doctor Who. They had carved a couple of lovely Jack O' Lanterns for Samhain.
Upon our arrival at home we determined that Tyler is a Drama Queen. Michael had spent the four hours we were out playing on the X-Box and had forgotten to eat. He tried to make us feel guilty about that by saying he didn't eat because he couldn't cook anything. It didn't work because there is plenty of ready to eat food in the house. There was Fruit, Cereal, sandwiches, left over pizza, snack crackers, etc. Tyler then declares that Micheal has no room to complain about being hungry because he hasn't eaten in "6 Hours!" Really! We were only gone for four hours, Jen fed them dinner, and he was eating popcorn when we got there! I know that he ate popcorn because five minutes later he was remarking on how buttery it was. Oh, and he becomes even more dramatic if he gets called out on his drama!
Then, yesterday, I had another Ocular Migraine. If you don't know what that is, it's a migraine that starts in your eyes. It sucks. I had my first one when I was pregnant with Freyja. I was driving home from my Mother-in-Law's when I suddenly lost vision in my right eye. It was scary as Hel! Fortunately I wasn't driving yesterday when my latest one hit. It was still scary though. Hopefully Wes's insurance will kick in soon and we will be able to find out why I keep having them.
So that was my week-end. It had it's ups and downs. The good news is I'm not nearly as irritable as I was before. The bad news is my migraines are back and we don't know why. We still haven't finished Freyja's costume and the boys haven't worked on theirs at all.
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Laptop Backpack,Swissdigital
Laptop Backpack, Swissdigital I was recently asked to review a backpack and since I was looking for a reason to make another post and...

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It's all about me! Ok, well only in the since that this entire blog is about me, my life, my family, my hobbies. I haven't re...
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