So today I thought that I'd learn some more about the sacred herbs so I will begin with Chamomile. I am in no way an authority on this subject, I'm just sharing my research. If you have something to add, please feel free to comment!
Chamomile is regarded as an herb that represents Asgard, home of the Northern gods, by many in the Northern Tradition.
Chamomile is the common name for several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae that are commonly used to make herb infusions to serve various medicinal purposes. Popular uses of chamomile preparations include treating hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasm, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorder, and hemorrhoids.
The Norse called
chamomile, ‘Baldur’s brow’, because the flower was as pure as his forehead.
Camomile is a regarded as an herb of
the sun and as a power plant that connects with the sun's power of regeneration,
healing and protection. The perfume of the camomile flower is said to resemble that of the apple.
The apple was the major sun plant totem for the ancients and the chamomile plant also radiates sun energy. This is why it was planted on graves as a
symbol that the deceased would be reborn, just as the sun is reborn each morning.
Camomile is one
of the sacred herbs of midsummer and may be thrown onto the festival fire, used
in the incenses and garlands or added to the ritual cup.
The dried
flowers may be used in an incense to induce relaxation or sleep or to stuff
sleep pillows.
Camomile is also
a protection plant, the oil may be used to form a magical barrier around doors
and windows to prevent negativity entering. Plant in the garden as a guardian
Ok, I am certain that there is lots more for me to learn about Chamomile, but Freyja wants her scrambled eggs, so I am off to do my Domestic Goddess duties, please feel free to remark on my short comings in this article and teach me something new!