Friday, March 3, 2017

It's all about me!

It's all about me!

Ok, well only in the since that this entire blog is about me, my life, my family, my hobbies. I haven't really been writing in either of my blogs recently this one least of all so I decided to give it another whirl.

This year I have decided that I'm going to focus on me. I want to feel good about myself. I have started a little bit at least. Freyja takes swim lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I figured it would be a great time for me to "Hit the Gym" so to speak. I started out just doing the bicycle, but I have always been oddly fascinated by the rowing machine. When I was first showed around the gym I was introduced to the rowing machine and told that it was a great way to get a total body workout. That being said I immediately wondered why the gym only had one of them while it had five treadmills, ten bikes and even a few of the stair steppe things (Yup I'm totally into fitness if you can't tell...) Flash forward two years later (Our gym membership has been mainly for the kids so far) I finally got a wild hair and decided to give the rower a go. Operating on my "extensive" knowledge of how to use the machine I got on and spend about three minutes "rowing" before I took the cramp I got as a sign that I had had enough for the day and went back to my bike. 
That was Tuesday. Despite having only spent three minutes on the machine I felt good about trying it out and could feel that new muscles had been worked while using it. So when my work out partner returned on Thursday (I probably wouldn't have tried the rower if there had been anyone else in the room) we talked for a little while and she encouraged me to use the rowing machine again. That is when I found out that I wasn't really using it correctly. I then tried to use it the proper way as I was showed and for some reason it felt really jerky to me, plus I kept hitting myself in the boobs every time I rowed (The bane of my lifelong workout routines) I decided that I liked the way I did it better. I know it's not the proper way, but I'm still getting a workout and I'm not hurting myself doing it. I push back with my legs, then I lean back until I'm almost laying down. Then I pull the handle bar in like I'm lifting a weight. Then I reverse everything. To be honest this is probably the closest I've ever come to achieving a sit up, at least in the last ten years. Maybe next week I will try the correct way again, maybe not. I really felt good after my cardio session and I'm not in a huge hurry to change that.

Overall I'd say that this was a good week for my self confidence and self-esteem. Hopefully next week will be even better.

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