Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Birthday Presents.

Some people are just harder to buy presents for than others. My son Tyler is one of those people. On the bright side he knows this but I always feel really bad when I can easily pick out wonderful gifts for his broth but just come to a standstill about what I am going to get him. I was therefore delighted when I was approached by an associate and asked to review a gorgeous fish hook necklace.

Tyler loves fishing so this beautiful Stainless steel necklace is sure to be a hit.
The fish hook is pendant is modeled after Hawaiian fishhooks and is intricately carved with beautiful leaves and paisley twists. Apparently the double-sided hook stands for everything that is good and promises to bring my son prosperity, strength and good luck.

Be sure to get your own at http://amzn.to/2rYDCdh 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Not so Exotic

So I have been pondering for the last week or so what to write my next post about. I didn't really come up with any ideas, thus the lack of new posts. I have thus come to this conclusion: My life is not that interesting. At least it's not to me. Apparently others enjoy my various stories and quips, but I just can't see writing them down. (Sometimes I also want to avoid written evidence) So while  others write about their exiting and exotic lifestyles, I will stick to the boring and mundane. At least in my opinion.

Oh, a sweepstakes win of
mine came in this week!
The soap smells wonderful!

I live in a small town (Population around 6,000 in the summer time) in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. Actually a surprising amount of people have been to Buffalo, Wyoming all things considered. It is a tourist town after all. I am a stay at home mom, I also home school my youngest child. I'll grant you that some may find that exotic, but there is so much available on the Internet nowadays that it isn't as difficult as it sounds.
This weekend my DD went to her first sleepover, she enjoyed it immensely and my husband and I went on our first Saturday night date in seven years. We went to the Winchester for the first time since we came to Buffalo about four years ago. It is on the top 10 list of places to eat in Wyoming and I can totally see why. The food was delicious and not at as pricey as we expected. I had the Seafood stuffed halibut which was wonderful (about $20.00) It was my first time having halibut and I very much enjoyed it. Really the only seafood I have ever had that I didn't like has been raw and I just didn't like the texture. At this point I am wishing that I had actually taken a picture of my scrumptious meal as I am in need of pictures for this post. However I have never really been one to take pictures of my food (Unless it happens to be an amusingly shaped vegetable) so it didn't even occur to me to do so. Also, I hadn't planned on reviewing the restaurant or meal. I may have to start taking pictures of everything...
After the meal we puttered around town for an hour wasting time because our movie (Yes I got to go to dinner, and a movie!) didn't start for another hour. This time wasting ordeal once again drove home the fact that there is really nothing to do in Buffalo. We actually managed to waste about half an hour before we gave up and went ahead and went to the theater a half an hour early. This might seem like a good time to go, we could stand in line to get our tickets then stand in line to get popcorn and a drink and then it would be time for the movie to start, right? Wrong. Our humongous two screened theater had no line whatsoever and continued to have no line until about ten minutes before show time when a few people trickled in. Great for not standing in line I guess and we got to sit down and waste time which saved on gas I suppose.

 I also got my #RosyVoxBox in
 from #Influenster ao I will be posting
 about that on my social media for
 the next few days.

We went to see Logan. The movie was surprisingly good, at least it was better than expected. I wasn't very happy with the ending. Don't get me wrong, it was entirely appropriate and decently done. I just like my movies to end on an up note. It lets me leave the theater smiling instead of trying to dry my tears. (I cry at everything) There also wasn't a little scene in the middle of the credits that I have come to enjoy from the Marvel movies. I realize that this was a X-men movie but it still would have nice. I really like those.
After that we went home. The time was now about 9:30 and everything except the gas station was pretty much closed. Still, it was a pretty nice night. And a much better date than the last one (We ended up going grocery shopping.)
So What do you think? Is my life exotic, or every bit as dull as I believe it is? Feel free to comment, but be nice, I don't have to allow the post after all.

Friday, March 3, 2017

It's all about me!

It's all about me!

Ok, well only in the since that this entire blog is about me, my life, my family, my hobbies. I haven't really been writing in either of my blogs recently this one least of all so I decided to give it another whirl.

This year I have decided that I'm going to focus on me. I want to feel good about myself. I have started a little bit at least. Freyja takes swim lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I figured it would be a great time for me to "Hit the Gym" so to speak. I started out just doing the bicycle, but I have always been oddly fascinated by the rowing machine. When I was first showed around the gym I was introduced to the rowing machine and told that it was a great way to get a total body workout. That being said I immediately wondered why the gym only had one of them while it had five treadmills, ten bikes and even a few of the stair steppe things (Yup I'm totally into fitness if you can't tell...) Flash forward two years later (Our gym membership has been mainly for the kids so far) I finally got a wild hair and decided to give the rower a go. Operating on my "extensive" knowledge of how to use the machine I got on and spend about three minutes "rowing" before I took the cramp I got as a sign that I had had enough for the day and went back to my bike. 
That was Tuesday. Despite having only spent three minutes on the machine I felt good about trying it out and could feel that new muscles had been worked while using it. So when my work out partner returned on Thursday (I probably wouldn't have tried the rower if there had been anyone else in the room) we talked for a little while and she encouraged me to use the rowing machine again. That is when I found out that I wasn't really using it correctly. I then tried to use it the proper way as I was showed and for some reason it felt really jerky to me, plus I kept hitting myself in the boobs every time I rowed (The bane of my lifelong workout routines) I decided that I liked the way I did it better. I know it's not the proper way, but I'm still getting a workout and I'm not hurting myself doing it. I push back with my legs, then I lean back until I'm almost laying down. Then I pull the handle bar in like I'm lifting a weight. Then I reverse everything. To be honest this is probably the closest I've ever come to achieving a sit up, at least in the last ten years. Maybe next week I will try the correct way again, maybe not. I really felt good after my cardio session and I'm not in a huge hurry to change that.

Overall I'd say that this was a good week for my self confidence and self-esteem. Hopefully next week will be even better.

Laptop Backpack,Swissdigital

Laptop Backpack, Swissdigital  I was recently asked to review a backpack and since I was looking for a reason to make another post and...