Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Birthday Presents.

Some people are just harder to buy presents for than others. My son Tyler is one of those people. On the bright side he knows this but I always feel really bad when I can easily pick out wonderful gifts for his broth but just come to a standstill about what I am going to get him. I was therefore delighted when I was approached by an associate and asked to review a gorgeous fish hook necklace.

Tyler loves fishing so this beautiful Stainless steel necklace is sure to be a hit.
The fish hook is pendant is modeled after Hawaiian fishhooks and is intricately carved with beautiful leaves and paisley twists. Apparently the double-sided hook stands for everything that is good and promises to bring my son prosperity, strength and good luck.

Be sure to get your own at http://amzn.to/2rYDCdh 

Laptop Backpack,Swissdigital

Laptop Backpack, Swissdigital  I was recently asked to review a backpack and since I was looking for a reason to make another post and...